Hearing Loops In Terrazzo Floors? - Brown Audio Service LLC

Hearing Loops In Terrazzo Floors?

Hearing Loop in Marble Floor - Brown Audio Service

Hearing Loops In Terrazzo Floors?

You might wonder if your building’s terrazzo floors would make it impossible for a hearing loop to be installed.

The short answer is NO.

Hearing Loops In Terrazzo Floors - Brown Audio Service LLC

St. Sebastian Church in Akron, Ohio is beautiful but the echo makes it very hard to hear. While the church wants to widen their welcome for those with hearing loss they didn’t think a hearing loop could be installed due to having terrazzo floors.

Our solution was to carefully score the terrazzo floor, insert the loop, and then fill in the score so that it is hardly noticeable at all.

Hearing Loops In Terrazzo Floors - Brown Audio Service LLC

The loop works perfectly, allowing those with hearing loss to hear all parts of the service, and the beauty of the building continues to shine just as it always has.